Dragon Guardians
Year | 2012 |
Length | 83 mins. |
Country | Spain |
Director | Ricardo Ramón and Angel Izquierdo |
Producer | Dibulitoon Studio / Milímetros Dibujos Animados |
Screenplay | Antonio Zurera |
Music | Emilio Alquézar |
This is a fantasy story that takes place in a world threatened by Groomo, a scientist villain who wants to control the world by changing people’s dreams by dreams and your wishes and remove. Nina, a little girl of seven years, will realize the danger emerging in the world of dream and fantasy.
© 2021 Dibulitoon Studio S.L.
Productora Audiovisual especializada
en Animaciones Infantiles y Juveniles
C/ Juan Fermin Gilisagasti nº 2, oficina 316 (Zuatzu) Edificio Pi@, 20018 Donostia (Gipuzkoa) - España
Tel: (+34) 943 633 556
Fax: (+34) 943 633 542
E-mail: dibu@dibulitoon.com